Robust Robotics Lab

Test facilities and laboratories

The Robotics Lab at the Department of Electronic System at Aalborg university provides a 300 square meter general purpose labs providing the researchers with the necessary means for designing and conducting experiments. This includes specialized laboratory spaces for robot construction and testing, equipped with advanced features such as Vicon motion capture system for providing ground truth in experiments.

Lab facilities 

Robotic Systems

Lab facilities 

The Robust Robotics Lab offers a diverse fleet of autonomous robot platforms for research. This includes advanced models like PAL TIAGo, Boston Dynamics Spot, and Robotnik Summit XL, as well as Segway RMP200 and Double Robotics Double. Additionally, we provide several educational platforms, such as Turtlebot and Zumobots, and our custom-designed ballbot, Kugle.

Two Boston Dynamics Spots

Robotnik Summit XL

Mobile Manipulator System MuR250

The MuR250 is a custom-made mobile manipulator system at the AAU-ES Robotics Lab, comprising a MiR250 mobile industrial robot outfitted with a UR5 robotic arm. This combination enables it to perform indoor mobile manipulation tasks with precision and efficiency. The MuR250 is particularly adept at facilitating human-robot cooperation, such as in cooperative object transportation, where its design and capabilities shine. Its sophisticated integration makes it an ideal platform for both research and educational activities, providing hands-on experience in advanced robotics concepts and applications.


The MiR205 is an autonomous mobile robot geared for industrial material handling. It navigates obstacles with ease, offers a substantial payload capacity, and integrates smoothly into existing workflows, boosting efficiency and safety.

Picture Mir205 


The PAL TIAGo is an advanced service robot, known for its adaptability in various settings. It combines a dexterous arm and mobile base for navigating and manipulating objects in indoor environments.


RobuROC is a highly sensorized, autonomous, skid-steered, four-wheeled robotic vehicle tailored for the agriculture sector. It is engineered for autonomous operation in farming activities that typically require heavy machinery and precise maneuvering. Its design facilitates the easy attachment and integration of various sensors and robotic components, such as a robotic arm, for specialized outdoor tasks.

Custom ballbot – Kugle

The Kugle mobile robot, developed at Aalborg University, features unique ball-balancing locomotion for omnidirectional movement and agile turns. Designed to navigate social settings, Kugle moves fluidly and naturally, mirroring the lifelike motion of the humans it is designed to accompany. Advanced sensors and algorithms grant Kugle the ability to understand and adapt to its environment while maintaining balance, allowing for seamless integration into human-centric environments and interactions.

Several educational platforms as Turtlebot and Zumobots

In addition to the mentioned robotic platforms, the AAU-ES Robotics Lab further enhances its educational offerings with specialized platforms like Turtlebot, Zumobots, DJI Ryze Tello, and Bitcraze Crazyflie, enabling hands-on learning experiences for students. These systems are instrumental in establishing a foundation for students to delve into the intricacies of robotics. They cover aspects such as programming, sensor integration, real-world applications, and autonomous navigation. This practical skill development is crucial in equipping the next generation of engineers to tackle the evolving challenges of the future's technological landscape.